Industry Application | 3D Visual Guidance for Automotive Component Loading and Unloading

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In the pursuit of continuous enhancement within the traditional automotive sector and the emergence of new forces in car manufacturing, there has been a pronounced surge in the demand for automation transformation. However, conventional processes such as loading, unloading, and assembly within automotive main plants and component factories predominantly rely on manual labor, resulting in strenuous, repetitive, and inefficient tasks.


The diverse array of automotive components, coupled with disparities in manual feeding, leading to irregular incoming materials, further exacerbates the limitations of traditional automation in accommodating flexible production and rapid changeovers.



Challenges in Visual Recognition for Automotive Material Handling/Assembly:

The adoption of AI-driven visual solutions by various automotive main plants and component manufacturers to tackle production challenges has brought to light visual recognition complexities in processes like automotive assembly and component handling:

  1. Reflective and Deformable Parts: Automotive components often possess high reflectivity, causing interference in 3D visual imaging and recognition. Additionally, these components may deform during gripping and assembly, posing challenges for robotic handling.

  2. High Precision for Material Placement: The assembly process requires meticulous placement of automotive components in various stages, necessitating accurate positioning relative to fixtures.

  3. Diverse Component Varieties: The vast variety of component types necessitates substantial data collection and annotation efforts for visual recognition, resulting in elevated changeover costs.

​​​​​​​To address these challenges, DEXFORCE introduces a mature and replicable 3D visual solution tailored for the automotive industry. This solution adeptly manages intricacies including diverse component types, reflective surfaces, intricate structures, disorderly stacking, and the influence of ambient light. DEXFORCE  solutions are extensively deployed in common applications such as material handling, accurate positioning, and adhesive spraying within the automotive sector.


Automotive Component Material Handling:

Leveraging DEXFORCE automotive component material handling solution involves configuring visual algorithms within the 3D visual guidance software. This system accurately identifies component part poses, guides robotic arms through optimal gripping path planning, and systematically places components in designated locations according to production line requisites. This solution empowers agile development and swift deployment within the realm of flexible automotive production.


Remarkably, this solution has found successful implementation across various domestic car manufacturers. A notable automotive brand, for instance, transitioned from traditional manual loading and unloading to multiple sets of 3D visual guidance systems, streamlining processes. Statistical analysis through software underscored enhanced efficiency and cost-effectiveness.


Presently, DEXFORCE automotive component material handling solution has garnered validation from numerous automotive component factories and significant projects within automotive main plants. Beyond material handling, DEXFORCE technical proficiency extends to applications like precise positioning and adhesive spraying within automotive assembly plants. This expertise aids more automotive manufacturers in realizing automation and intelligent upgrades, markedly elevating precision, production efficiency, and quality.


2023年8月11日 13:33